Sunday, July 30, 2006

Now With More Fiber Content

Marci Senders gave me an idea with her link to a little felted knit creature that was really cute! Here is today's start.

But I didn't forget the kittens - they are all hopping around like crazy. Sally has started playing tag with them - I hope it's tag! She comes in fast from the other room, stops right in front of them, then taps them (gently) on the head and runs away! Strange.. but at least she isn't hissing anymore ;o) Willow spends long hours kittenwatching and meowing at me to save her when they realize she is there!

Little Red just exudes cuteness!

That is Squint instigating a fight! Wow!

Squint: Don't I look a little happier?
even though my cute floppy ear is curling up now :o(

Cowlick kitten - Smoke

Obsidian Kitten mentioned just how small they are. This pic shows it! That is my (average size) stapler. Each kitten is about 8 inches long, and weighs a little over half a pound.

And the first finished brown sock!

We start the final process on closing our land deal tomorrow -- if everything looks right on the deed. Things are quite different around here than in Minnesota - but we want to make sure everything is written there that should be there BEFORE we sign, not 'it'll get done - don't worry, just pay the survey first then we'll write it in...' Err.. No. That is not going to fly.

Linky: This guy (schlatzer) on Flickr has some beautiful photos, I especially like his black and white rose and hummingbird!.

Linky: See a strange debate the pros and cons of horses vs. bicycles for transport in this flame war on, all because some guy from Wisconsin decided riding a horse to school was cheaper.


Anonymous said...

The kittens look so sweet! I love Squint!

Good luch on the land deal. That's so exciting!!

Jennifer said...

The kittens are so cute. When our youngest cat, Hazel, was a kitten, our male cat Ashe (the one who passed away last month), used to run at here and spin her around on the hardwood floors. It was so cute.

Chris said...

Good luck tomorrow! And congrats on the sock! Poor little Squint... At least he's healthy, right??

Lynn said...

I was flabbergast when I saw the stapler. My mind's eye didnt even think of their size! This was a very good visual.
I went to that photo site. I agree the black and white rose and the humming bird are amazing.
I saw alot of beautiful pics there.

Obsidian Kitten said...

omg, the kittens are TOO MUCH! i can't stand the overdose of cuteness! shield me from the adorability!
and my, squint looks SO much better.

boy, smoke is a wide-eyed lil owl. (i rly am a sucker for grey cats...)

friends have an adorable white cat named Boo whose entire ear was torn off by a dog when she was really little. her whole ear, mind you! she's a beautiful longish-haired cat who knows she's lovely (as cats do), she's just, well, missing one ear. but she does just fine without it.

so i'm sure even if squint winds up with a bendy ear he'll be just fine and dandy now that he's getting nursed back to healthy kittendom. YAY for you!!!

and good luck tomorrow, we're all pulling for you, ya know!

Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

I'm so tickled to see the kitties are doing so well!! I was telling my DH this weekend about how wonderful you are to take in these kittens and all that you are doing for them!! He are a special person to do this!! I love the brown sock!! Just finished my first sock that is actually wearable this weekend!! Yipee!!

RheLynn said...

Yarncollector: Wow congrats on your full size sock! I can't wait to see it!

Jennifer: That is just plain funny -- using the kitten as a spinning top! Poor thing probably couldn't walk straight!

Off to the bank!

Kelly said...

Why did you do it! Now I want a little kitty. So sute! BTW, Coatimundis are exactly like a cross between a cat, dog and monkey.

Carrie K said...

Those kittens are so adorable and poor little Squint. He's so cute.

Good luck tomorrow! And cute sock.