Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday already

I'm still showing up and doing the best job I can - still learning things.  Trying to put myself to bed earlier at night - more like 8:30 than 9:30, but it isn't happening easily yet.  Did Japanese and French today on breaks, and a little afterwards - but Mark wanted me to get groceries now that the first paycheck is in.  It is supposed to rain now until through the weekend - so I am hoping that doesn't cause any flooding.  The little car seems to be running well, but I also took the mail truck in today because I can't let it sit too long either.  



the penguin is an alien

well, no ... but hEDS makes me feel like one sometimes


 Mark asked me 'how I'm holding up', six days a week - although that won't be six days this week until Saturday is in the bag.  I have to admit, a bit tired, especially in the mid-afternoon, but I might just have to give in and pack an extra peanut butter cracker or something for that.  I used to do that at the hardware store.  It's not all just because I'm not getting to sleep early enough, there is that mid-afternoon slump from eating lunch, then sitting down and not being up and rushing about as much.  There has been something to do most of the time, but I was told that will slack off a little now that we're through the backlog - and it will be more bit here and there cleaning and going back over things for accuracy etc.  I'm getting by okay though - it's going to take some time to get used to any new routine, even if you aren't an alien.


Funny not funny, my left knee is doing something unexpected - I'm opening one of the locked doors by pushing with it or perhaps the getting down and getting back up from the little car or maybe even hooking it wrong in the office chair I sit in... even a combination of the above.  I'm not complaining about it, just noting it, so I can look back on it later.  I'll just have to pay more attention and figure out what it is.  I had a bruise on my left arm that was from getting in and out of the car a new way and I figured out how to get up without putting that arm on the sharp door frame.  It's funny not funny to have hypermobility and easy bruising, as you can do something really 'stupid' like pick up a huge box and hurt the next day and know it was from that - 'I shouldn't do that' or you can do a lot of little stupid things you're not used to doing in a new daily routine and have it hurt daily and wonder 'what on earth am I doing to cause that'...  and have to go narrow it down.

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