Sunday, September 08, 2024


Not much to report, did Sunday packages, wrote some extended work into my story 'As Told by a Dog', and try to get ready for a meeting tomorrow.  Trying not to stress on that, but I'm still me.  There is a lot up in the air and contradictions on that and Mark doesn't think it is a problem, but I am pessimistic.  


I've been doing the budgeting for the months ahead - and keep looking at anywhere else I could pick up hours.  The work world just seems stacked wrong now - something went majorly wrong maybe what, fifteen years ago?  How are regular people supposed to make it with all these HR scheduling rules that counter-compete?  Things were more flexible when I was a young adult.  Some of these applications don't even have any way to tell them what hours you can work - they just off the bat require full availability.  And if everyone requires full availability all of the time but only gives you part time work - then that sets people up for failure right out of the gate.


Mark made dinner.  Did Japanese today, and I will do a little more before I head off for bed.

this is the illustration I had made for the story, when it was still going to be in the anthology.  It is only 2500 words right now, but it started this afternoon at 1,000 so that is actually a really good expansion.  I worked on the 'Kardega' story the other day and it is at about 1400 words.  I worked on the very first page format of a pig story I had written 'off the cuff' one afternoon last week.  I got some really good material for Cosmic Cat, but it came with chatting with an AI so it is all repetitive and needs to be majorly pared out and see if there is enough there to then take me off writing on the idea.

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