Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 Was all set this morning to go run things to the dump and get chicken feed, if the truck would go to both places - and then literally as I was about to step in the shower the phone rang and they wanted me to go do a different route, but come in two hours later so I could use the vehicle.  I scrabbled myself up into a higher gear and got the chicken feed on the way in, and then went and split the route with someone else.  I had never been on that route before, so it was a learning curve, but I only had to 'follow my nose' in a few places, mostly where they have changed the names of the roads since the notes were written.

Came home and put some of our tomatoes from the garden that were in the freezer with lemon basil, orange bell pepper, a bit of tomato paste and spices on the stove for a sauce, to go over some pasta I had cooked too much of the other night.  I served that with some Italian bread and an omelet for each of us.  It was really good except since it had been cherry tomatoes, there were a lot of tomato skin pieces in it that we had to pick out - cooking it longer and putting it through a blender would have helped with that, but it still tasted amazing for all garden stuff that had been frozen a few months ago.

Did some Japanese this morning before I knew I needed to go in - will check what I haven't done and get to it before falling over asleep.

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