Sunday, September 01, 2024

bits in this long work weekend

this type of ramen noodles was in my cupboard from a few months ago when we visited a different kind of grocery - it is interesting because the seasonings inside came in lots of separate little tubes, chicken seasoning, fried onion, sesame oil with black garlic in it, soy sauce and chili sauce - all separate.  I asked Esme if she wanted to share it with me, and she said yes, so I put the chili sauce tube back in my curry bag in the fridge to try on something else.  Served it up with a boiled egg chopped up in the bottom of each bowl.

Hamburg parsley is more of a Spring herb but it is still growing

this is really good baked with potatoes, or in a soup 

I have that dehydrated broccoli that Mark keeps telling me I should make soup from for myself - I might get around to it one of these days coming up

Did all the Japanese yesterday after work, heated up leftovers from the fridge and went to sleep.  Did the package route this morning, and made the ramen noodles, and now am going to go get the Japanese done again for the day.  I do packages again tomorrow, and might be able to pick up some hours on Tuesday but that is tentative still.  The weather wants to rain, but very little of it is getting all the way to the ground.  And I'm tired.


Tried to sleep a couple of times after dinner - but I slept before dinner some and now trying to settle down afterwards just kept getting up and doing other things, read a cooking magazine, played a bit of the game, folded laundry, thought about my novela and what details I need to remember to touch on next, made spicy chili sauce on rice, made black tea with milk, did more Japanese on the high level...

today :

Japanese on the phone - level 11 and just crossed into Section 2

Japanese profile on the computer - level 20, at Section 2, unit 18

did Clozemaster, and babadum and baltoslav (several times on the last bit) - I'm getting to where I know a lot of the vocab words right off now, but I will need to start a practice somehow where I then have to spell out or write the word down as well, because I can recognize it, but I'm not confident about recalling it without prompt.

We're still watching that scrapheap challenge show with the Swedish subtitles - I thought they were Finnish, but more and more now they are Swedish.  And I did a bit of a catchup on DL for Swedish but really the level I had gotten to in there (level 11) is such that I need to review for a while before I can make any more headway, as the spelling for one thing is very difficult to remember. 

//I still find it funny, I post a picture of a ramen wrapper and mention learning Swedish and suddenly, my ad stream is full of Swedish suggestions and 'balkans' and oh, so many ramen types and ramen toppings and ramen recipes..... ?? Ga Ça Vi!

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