Thursday, September 12, 2024


Some good news, will keep working on it, I work the weekend as well, then busier next week.

Did more Japanese today, got the dog food before the hurricane rains come in, and cancelled a meeting for tomorrow.  I also watched a budgeting video today - we do budget, but there are always things that come up that are 'left field' it feels like.  If I hadn't been tightening us up on our budgeting the past few months, and reducing possible trips at the same time, we would have had it worse.  After the video, I've got some more ideas for going forward - maybe save some on animal feed and my phone bill, but I just have to see what I can make work for us.  

ie: I've been tracking the 'frequency' of when I am buying the animal feed for the past few months to nail down exactly how much I need to get each month - and maybe start buying it more ahead of time and save trips.  I know there are 'bulk' as in, longer time plans than the monthly on my phone, and they are supposed to save, but I haven't been able to nail that down and commit to any more than once a month refill, either.  Those are those things you know you should do, and that they would save money, but they're hard to do when you are just trying to juggle everything.

Winter is on it's way, as well, and we'll need to figure out how to bring propane to the house for Mark's office heater (which saves us on electricity by keeping his room warmer, but the rest of the house stays colder, and Esme's room is right next to the heater and the house was planned to keep that room warmer, and it does) - since the other truck is not working and my mail truck has a topper on it, transporting it will be more difficult.  We might have to exchange more smaller tanks or find a strap the tank in standing up in the back seat.

I fired up the sewing machine and repaired a pair of jeans.  I've dug down in all of my old things and pulled out what is suitable and washed it.  I'm a smaller size now than I was five years ago,  closer to what I was ten years ago.  I definitely felt it this week that I wish I had a sister or a friend my size that I could trade clothes off with - but I may have to find a way to the thrift store since I will need some nicer looking clothes and I have some but not enough for full weeks.

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