Monday, September 23, 2024

bits of Monday

Did the postal route on Saturday, had a partially restful day on Sunday, slept in a little, which was needed.  Did Japanese, and a little French.    The power went out for an hour and a half in the morning.  And with the power out I cleaned up a little, and organized my clothing, and then when it came back on I did more laundry and we cooked dinner.   Today, besides work at the office, was a rush to get new tires on the little car, which had popped one of them on Friday when Mark was going to the meat store.  He was helped by a kind elderly gentleman who gave him a ride back down his long driveway in a golf cart and helped him put on the spare, since we did not have a jack or a 4-way in the vehicle yet.  A blown tire wasn't entirely unexpected, considering we know it sat a while before we bought it refurbished - but we weren't going to put chances on the other three after the way the first one failed.  That put us out of going to the supermarket on Sunday, as the spare that was on it was one of those tiny donut things.  

I called the tire shop on my lunch break, and they had the right ones in stock.  With the mail truck, they always have to order it, because it is such a strange size.  Got home in the truck at 4, got into the car, convinced it to start, got out of the driveway and to the tire shop under the 5 o'clock wire, while they had four tires in stock.  And home.  Did more Japanese today.  Watched the first four episodes of Apothecary Diaries (anime), and it's quite good.  I had watched bits and pieces of it in Japanese here and there, but could not find full episodes in Japanese, only in English dub (odd, huh?) It's time for bed again, the day has been full, and I have to be up early again tomorrow.

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