Thursday, August 08, 2013

OK, I'll just tbe six.. conversation to remember.

Esme yesterday on the way back from the bus.  'It doesn't take 15 time to get down there (to the house)?'  No, minutes - it doesn't take fifteen minutes to get down there, only about five minutes.  'Five minutes - that is my age!'  No, five years.. five years is a long time, five minutes is a small time.  Five years is like.. fifty million minutes (hyperbole but I wanted to get the drift across)... OH... I remember when I was one age.  What?  You remember when you were one years old?  What did you do that you remember?  I had a two year birthday party at Grandma house, and then I was three year age and then four year and now I am five year age and it is five!  And what will you be next - on your next birthday?  *think* Six.  I will be six, and then seven year and then eight year and nine and ten and eleven and twelve... 'Whoa, slow down.. wait, that's a long time.  Let's work on six, ok?'  Oh.  ok.  six. just six.  But.. six is just.. like a child.  It's not big.  I will be scared, and shake... I want to be big - 'dult'..  (adult).  But there are lots of things to learn still - like the difference between five minutes and five years, important things.  And we will help you learn everything and go to school and learn things.   OK.. I'll be six.  *climb stairs dejected hanging head*  It will take a long time.. but... I can play Minecraft!  Yes, yes you can.

She didn't go to school today - and she was bubbling around the house writing signs and a letter to Gwenny and making 'beautiful homes' on Minecraft.  She went to see Grandma a bit ago.. and I'm deciding what to do with my day off.. been picking things up here and there and knitted a bit on a washcloth... read a lot of articles online.

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