Still not feeling great, but at least I've kept something down. Went outside with Esme to watch her play. Then I went inside to get a glass of tea, and came out to see her with my knitting needles sitting in my chair. She said: 'I'm a mom. I make. I make a dress.'
She made me dirt clod pies and piles of gravel for jelly beans, and insisted we eat, then said 'no that dirt - no touch, no eat.' What I was impressed by was her saying 'I made beans for you and a for me'... which is a step for her.
Another cute thing today was I was cutting out pieces for a dress after I was feeling better - and the fabric was a vertical ivy chain. Esme looks at it and says 'it all leafs, where the flower?' She has a very good point! I can tell I'm still not completely up to par as I made a mistake on the armholes of the dress. It was supposed to be sleeveless, and I cut the facings too short to cover the bottom of the armholes *dumb*... So I'll make it short-sleeved anyway. I have a pattern coming in the mail for a sailor-collar shirt/jacket, and just the fabric picked out for it. It is the neon purple damask Esme picked out at Mockingbird Threads months ago, and I bought more of during the sale.

Also got this pattern in the mail in a 'soon but not yet' size 5, which I was trying to 'duplicate' unsuccessfully in December of this last year. It will be nice to work with when that size comes!

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