Monday, May 16, 2011

dream and sweater knitting update

last night in my dream I saw a few things that would be nice to do with Esme. Finger paint on plexiglass outside with the hose this summer, and also large cardstock letters like the small ones she used to have in her pink suitcase kit, but glued to magnets or velcro so she can stick them up on a place on the wall. I think our whiteboard in the room would be great for that - maybe make her some bears and a 'house' and trees that stick up, as well -- things to think about for my vacation coming up. In the dream Esme was playing with another girl and I was talking to her mom - we were sharing what the girls liked to do and she showed me the letter squares strung on a piece of ribbon and also sticking up to a felt wall in the room. I have the weirdest 'realistic' dreams sometimes, that have good things to teach me. Esme and I have been 'playing toys' as she calls it often lately - and she is using her imagination all over the place, so I'm just tuning in to that ;)

I'm making some progress on the sweater - have the front and back all done and sewn together and it seems to fit 'ok', not perfect, but this is the first one I've made for myself that got this far. I made the buttonhole band for the front last night before I went to bed - but I may need to cut it off and try again, as I forgot that when binding off to use much larger needles to avoid the edge getting so tight :( I was trying to stretch it but I think I'll really need to just redo it. I am down to ONE ball of that yarn left and still have armhole edges and neck edge to do.... not sure if it is going to make it.... maybe I can find some more stashed around here but that might be 'it' and have to use something else.

Out of an entire page of sewing thread colors - Esme picked this one as being her very favorite color. And black. She said she wears this and black. I'm VERY certain I would never have picked that out for her myself. I tend to dress her in baby blue or middle greens quite often, and that goes well with her eyes. The last fabric she chose at the fabric store that I HAVEN'T got a clue what to use it for - was just about this shade.

Madeira brand thread, color orchid
oddly.. it is about the same color as my blog background! And I don't have that as my blog color because it is MY favorite... but because it is the easiest on my eyes as I read and look at the varied colors in pictures. Very odd how some things just fall together.

I almost forgot this - but a week ago when we made a 'FREE PUPPIES' sign on the floor with markers we gave Esme a green marker and she traced over every letter pretty accurately. I haven't seen her have much interest in writing for a while - but she was interested then and did a good job following the black lines we had drawn.

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