Monday, February 13, 2017

little bits

Esme had a great weekend with friends, although they watched a horror movie, so we've dealt with a nightmare or two.  I've had to work the weekend - feel like I haven't gotten anything done at home but at least I'm doing a lot at work.  Work just seems like a neverending game of 'Let;s Find Something to Do Right Now: menial task edition'.....getting it done, but I don't like that mindset of making a three million item checklist just to stay busy.  It presses my stress button.  I guess if it was someone else's three million item checklist that didn't make any sense to reality it would be worse.  So, there's that.  When I put something on the 'checklist' in my head, it makes sense and needs to be done.  This week I'm going to press harder about those signs, one of which hit me in the nose last week and caused a bloody nose and a bad bruise.

Temperature changes have brought on a lot of weird dreams.  Mark is still getting over his flu / sinus and running a low grade fever - the cold and hot weather swings aren't helping him much, either..and hosting the girls this Saturday drained him a bit but getting to sleep undisturbed on Sunday for a good while when she was over at their house was probably good again.  My hyacinths are starting to come up in the garden - went to look for them this Saturday.

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