Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The month in the week

 it feels like I've had an entire month packed into a week, it has been that busy - it is so hard to believe that Irene's sisters were here only a week ago, it seems like it was much longer ago, already...  I haven't even had many million-miles type dreams, to account for that time hop, as I sometimes do

Nope, just busy, and today is my first day off, since then

Yesterday, the postal route was my sixth in a row, and it was extra-long, as it was the day after a holiday.  Everyone seemed to be wanting to advertise something, so many bills to deliver, it was just all piled up en masse and I had to deliver it all.  We got out 'lucky' that there was only one package truck, not two - and still, I was out until 5:30 at night.  There were some days when I was first starting that I was out until 7 or 8 o'clock at night... and I've gotten much faster since then, there was just a lot.  I was a bit slower in the morning with my shoulder and arm hurting from that fall (on Monday morning, in my driveway, but not a bad one really) but I wasn't that much slower.. it was just a heavy load.

Esme and Mark had taken some of the greenhouse plants they have been working on out to the farmer's market again, and they made some good sales.  I had told them I would be out late, so they made cheeseburgers and were already finished eating by the time I finally got home.

After all that, and coming home and making myself some spicy avocado, tomato and black-bean tacos - I was nearly asleep on my feet at 8:30 pm, but I completed French, Spanish (on DuoLingo) and Russian (on Busuu), did the dishes and then fell over... and slept all the way to six a.m. this morning.

harvested a radish and some spicy globe basil that I had bought the plant a few weeks ago from a local farm - and it has tripled in size in my garden - used my little tamagoyaki pan to make an omelet with the produce (I should pick lettuce later today, as well.. but want to do that when I want to use it)

omelet :

heat up some olive oil and then add frozen onions and kale 

cut up basil and the good bits of the radish green, and the radish into fine bits

mixed with one egg from our chickens, and some black pepper

I added a bit more butter on top of the now hot mixture in the pan

waited for the butter to melt into the kale and onions

added the egg mixture over the kale and onions

cut up the cheese on my plate, toasted the bread in the toaster oven

flipped the omelet, laid the cheese on top of it

peanut butter on the toast

scoop the omelet out and lay it on the plate

I am working on French right now, will do other languages later - but we do need to go to town to get some chicken feed because now I work all through the weekend again. Have some small plants to put in Irene's garden - rescued from corners of mine, and some seeds I finally located - waiting for other seeds to come in the mail.  I am also waiting for a French student reading book to come in the mail - paid three dollars for it at a Goodwill shop - and hope that there are things Esme and I can use in it.  I have been giving her 'mini lessons' on our chat server from children's poetry and primers that I have found online.  She says she is looking at them, and has asked a few questions.  We've discussed she is taking Spanish next year (with the teacher who owns the farm that grew the herbs - coincidence!) and I can't help her as much with that (but I'll try) but I do have enough French to give her a rudimentary introduction - and it is her heritage, from my mother's mother - so I'd like to give her what I can there.  

We've also discussed getting rid of a bunch of junk up here in my studio and making her a desk area to put her school bag and charge her Chromebook for next year so when there are times she does want to be in the sunlight of the window there and read or work on homework it is possible - she might not use it - but I wanted her input into making an extra space, as her room doesn't have a window (in the underground part of the house) and Mark was concerned she spends so much time in the dark (hey, he does too, his office is also in that area, and also has no window).. but he was concerned for her 'vitamin D levels' *sigh* .. what do the French say c'est la vie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you're way too busy but thanks for the nice flower bed you and Esme made for me. Love you all.