Friday, May 24, 2024

gardens and languages


I keep thinking I'd like to knit something but I have this crochet project, and it is interesting enough, but simple enough, and I should keep working on it instead of chasing something else at the moment.  I keep thinking what else I can do with the yarn I have (and seeing lots of yarn online, of course) but then I think again : well, persistance makes it finished, and that is a lot.


there is a meadow not far from here that has hundreds of these - I had one a few years ago but something happened to it - and I have smaller ones that I bought at the store - grabbed one from the roadside edge and put it here to see if it will do okay

 daylily garden - I do still need to replace the bricks all around it, and I have some seeds coming up in the middle part for cosmos and zinnias and marigolds.  I will individually stake the tulip lilies soon, because they are so heavy and are already leaning even without their blooms happening yet.  Mark's aunt started a new garden for Irene - so I have added a few things to move it along, and after all this rain has went by again in the forecast for the weekend, will add a trellis and more seeds and bedding plants.

Still languages : Added French and Russian on my mobile device, and have been doing a separate Russian and Bulgarian lessons on other sites.

The main profile on DuoLingo - I have been working on French, Russian and a little bit here and there of other languages. On my mobile I've done more Spanish lately, and now added the French and Russian just to see where my level fell with the test - the French was really good, the Russian was actually better than it should have been for how recently I began working on it - however, I keep reminding myself that it has a lot in common with Czech, and I've been working on that for a good while.

  • French W 4079 L 25 XP 50440 
  • Welsh W 2828 L 24 XP 29792 +208 XP to next level
  • Spanish W 2242 L 23 XP 24570 +1430 XP to next level
  • Japanese W 1125 L 19 XP 14335 +665 XP to next level
  • Czech W 1169 L 19 XP 13649 +1351 XP to next level
  • Romanian W 1469 L 17 XP 11143 +857 XP to next level
  • Portuguese W 713 L 16 XP 9632 +868 XP to next level
  • Italian W 964 L 15 XP 7591 +1409 XP to next level
  • Greek W 653 L 14 XP 6955 +545 XP to next level
  • German W 730 L 14 XP 6041 +1459 XP to next level
  • Finnish W 798 L 13 XP 5515 +485 XP to next level
  • Catalan (es) W 352 L 12 XP 4052 +848 XP to next level
  • Swedish W 480 L 11 XP 3689 +211 XP to next level
  • Norwegian W 373 L 11 XP 3097 +803 XP to next level
  • Spanish (fr) W 147 L 11 XP 3025 +875 XP to next level
  • Russian W 227 L 10 XP 2467 +533 XP to next level
  • Hungarian W 418 L 10 XP 2438 +562 XP to next level
  • Ukrainian W 226 L 10 XP 2288 +712 XP to next level
  • Irish W 237 L 9 XP 2174 +76 XP to next level
  • Turkish W 252 L 9 XP 2044 +206 XP to next level
  • Polish W 239 L 9 XP 1798 +452 XP to next level
  • Chinese W 123 L 8 XP 1446 +204 XP to next level
  • Dutch W 79 L 7 XP 998 +127 XP to next level
  • Hindi W 38 L 7 XP 977 +148 XP to next level

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