Saturday, October 20, 2012


Esme styling wearing my blanket and sunglasses in the house, at night.  I am off work for Sunday - which is good... been working straight all week long.  I've been knitting on Esme's blanket (pink, blue and purple version of same) and wonder if it will be done by her birthday.  I'm thinking about more birthday things - have to ask Grandma some things about using the office up there for her guest(s)?  I told Mark the blanket colors (which started out as scraps and I bought some items today to extend it) remind me of Esme's unicorn we bought for her birthday... and I asked if it then was unicorn puke with all the yarn stretched out...

cool fact: cowpeas have 2.5 to 3 percent pressable oil, which is expressed mostly as trigylcerides containing unsaturated fatty acids, mostly phytosterols and  tocopherols - the first being studied as a blocker for cholesterol and the second an antioxidant component of vitamin E similar to olive oil.  (percentage cite from pdf: Pak.J.Bot 42(2) 1333-1341, 2010 found through Wikipedia, other chem knowledge from wikipedia)  The other night when I was peeling and shelling cowpeas Mark was drawn from the upstairs and said he thought he has smelled olive oil.  I find that a very cool connection.  I am very glad the Whipporwill cowpeas that I bought through Etsy - from a farm in Waverly, TN- have taken so well to our soil and given me so much food and seed in return.  They want to be 'late season' crops, though... last year as well the late season ones did the very best of all.

Other notes:  Esme's speech is taking off - she has so much more to say now... and boy does she say it!  It is still strangely worded/structured at times, but she accepts corrections well and has such a large imagination, creativity to her play and her building and her stories... still demanding Napoleon attitude, though.. .have to work on that part probably for the next thirteen years!

I can hardly recall exactly the streams she goes off on now - she is 'imaginative' and sometimes downright facetious, as well...  She wanted a third glass of juice last night after dinner and we told her she would have to wait until one of us went back downstairs.  So - she said she would go get water *cough cough* because she was feeling sick.  She came back upstairs and said she felt all better now, let's play.  She also told me during dinner she did not need to eat because her teacher told her she was done.  *roll eyes*  Really now.  When, last week?  She is very very interested in decorating for a party (she can say 'decorating' now, too!) and pretends she is doing it, talks about doing it - makes tea parties for her toys ...  I think of the difference since last January and ... it blows me away.

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