Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Toy turtle and a bucket and minecraft creations

Esme playing outside with her toy turtle, a balloon and a bucket full of water.   She was filling the balloon with water and having the turtle use it as a cup of magic that turned into a money bag then back into water..??  I'm not sure where it comes from half the time, now as much as before even though I hear more of the contents of her imagination now than ever before.

She had told me she was a boy, with a message (a leaf) that said she missed her house and her family was in the woods and she had escaped the bears that were attacking and they needed help!  But, she quickly said they were alright, they were alive - and she was here to play.  It is a little cold out for this playing in the water she is doing, had to bring her in and change shoes out once already.  And now I am about to drag her in for a bath before a warm dinner and hopefully she will comply.  Daddy has porkchops in the oven and I have a butternut type squash in there, as well.   Esme  has been absolutely full of energy today since going to town with Mom and Grandma earlier... she needs to work a little bit of it off for Mom's sanity, perhaps?

And also - this is what she spends most of her time doing when she is not outside playing in the mud and water. It is her latest edition of Minecraft - we make her a new world every few days to a week because she fills them up so much with cows and chickens it is hard to keep the processing speed up.  Mom and Dad have their own separate worlds to play in, and she is not allowed to spawn millions of chickens in them.

The tall blue spires are water that can be swum up and 'rode' down.
I did help her make a railway that went to this 'jungle' from the village, but cows and chickens keep getting in the way when we ride it.

She spent a lot of time making this garden today before we went to town. 


She is fond of pink wool, and for some reason she finds it very funny to replace blocks in the village houses (which are prebuilt in this game) with pumpkins. She fills the houses up with water as well and makes 'pools' serving them cake blocks and having 'parties'. There is a row of beds outside one of the houses so they can all take a nap when they are done with the party. There are a few signs all over the place that say 'dog' and 'egg' on them and other words she has attempted to spell but needed help with.

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