Monday, August 03, 2009

Baseball commentary

Esme was sitting in Grandpa's lap today for a short time during our visit. Baseball was on - the Cubs versus the Cincinatti Reds? Anyway - as the pitcher was ready to throw the ball Esme was saying 'ready', 'ready', 'ready' and then when the player would hit it/lose it to the umpire she would say 'uh oh' or clap if we say he hit the ball. If he missed and they were going to throw again she would say 'again' when they began to pitch again.

Oh the misery she'll face if she grows up a Cubs fan (Daddy's quote) She's such a funny kid!

We were also watching a film where there was a plane crash and everyone the screen was crying and screaming. Esme was putting out her arms to the screen and trying to talk to the people and ask me to help them. I had to tell her it as all a bad dream the character was having and he would wake up soon (and he did).

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