Friday, February 12, 2010

Moody toddler

Esme has been in one of her moods the past few days again.. those that require mom to do anything and everything her way or tears erupt... Because I'm not willing to give into that mentality there have been a lot of tears about not being carried up the stairs, not getting candy etc etc... at a much higher rate than 'usual.' I think she's just trying to push buttons and see what it gets her. In the meantime - it's hard to get simple chores like washing the bedding done, but finally it is washing and she is over by our pool table listening to the balls clack in the pockets. I have to work at one and Mark is in town getting the groceries. It looks like the snow might melt some today. There is so much to do - hope I can get some of it done later in the week. Valentine's Day is Sunday and Mark was already sweet and got me one of my favorite Chinese meals to take to work. I'm not that complicated, even that was too much ;)

1 comment:

ElizabethEK said...

Em is in the same mood. Oh well.

Nice from your hubby. Did you see my FB update about the Snapple Peter got me? It IS the little things!