Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Cat in a Box or A Toddler's Shroedinger Experiment

These are mail crates from our local post office used for carrying large amounts of mail for our small business. They are 'used properly' 95% of the time - but since they are also stored in our living space they became part of a toddler's shroedinger experiment tonight. She was testing the cat-in-a-box theory and PeanutNinja, our not quite six month old kitten, was being very tolerant of lots of rough play. In the first picture you can see the kitten's mother, Mitzi, looking on and supervising the entire process.

Esme also looks like a little ragamuffin in these pictures. It was just after her breakfast and before her bath yesterday. Then we went to town and did mail and groceries, and she had part of a BBQ sandwich from Trolingers. She was a happy camper. This morning her nose is running a little and after she finishes her cereal bar a warm steamy bathroom is waiting for us downstairs.

And, although it's no thing of beauty in its construction, I have finished the first of the wool woven slippers. It is positively warm to wear. I don't care if it looks primitive and funky. I want another one, now... but that will take a few more days to actually do. A bit of a woven band with a button around the ankle would make them look a lot better.

1 comment:

ElizabethEK said...

This is one of my favorite posts ever.