Wednesday, June 06, 2007

An Announcement

Some of you have heard this in private email, but here is the public announcement and more.

Mark and I are having a little girl in Novemeber.

We were told today that our baby due in November is most likely a little girl. We were able to see the face, all ten toes and fingers and watch her squirm and turn around inside my uterus like a gymnast. The ultrasound tech said she was getting a remarkably clear picture and that the baby was VERY active.

I asked the tech to show me where my uterus was, as that can vary from woman to woman. It turns out the baby is lying across my stomach with her head towards my appendix and her feet just above and to the left of my belly button.

The little bumps, pokes and swishes I've felt along the left side of my belly button coincide perfectly with where she found the baby's feet. Just before we left for Ohio, and since, I've been feeling the majority of 'tiny movements' there and wondered if it could be the baby or something else. Most women don't feel those movements that high up on their stomach, or so I've been told.

We are excited and amazed!
We have some names in mind, but will wait until we actually see her to choose one of them. Meanwhile, Mark is already wondering what to tell her first date when he comes to call.


Carrie K said...

See? See? It was the baby! A baby girl! How sweet.

Mark doesn't need to tell her first date anything. Just casually clean his shotgun....

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!! I'm so happy for both of you!

Anonymous said...

You know I'm thrilled for you!!!

Chris said...

How fun to have your first baby picture!! Heh, my brother's been contemplating the same thing.

Ladeewolf said...

I'm so happy for you,oh and my Dad did the shotgun thing. I nearly died.

Kris B said...

Congratulations!! Oh the adventures that you and Mark will have. Enjoy.

mrspao said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Jeanne said...

What wonderful news! Congratulations!

Jennifer said...

Yay! A little girl! I'm so happy for your both.

Jennifer said...

Congrats! Hello in there, tiny baby one! Aren't you cute! Don't come out early like I did! (2 1/2 months)

thursday said...

Wow! Congratulations!

And Carrie K said it best up there... "casually clean his shotgun..." hahahaha!

Knittymama said...

Wow!!! Congratulations to you guys!!

Lynn said...

I don't have to keep a secret any more!
It seems I have finished my project just in time for the announcement.
Hopefully I will get it in the mail by the end of the week!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been here in awhile as life has been insane, and what wonderful news to come back to! Congratulations! I wish all three of you every happiness!