Saturday, June 15, 2024


 I did two postal routes yesterday, and it was very hot, I had only planned for the short one - bought a lemonade, but told myself I should really plan for more than what they tell me each time, so I'm not caught out - bringing extra liquids and sunblock today, as the extra sun exposure catches me later in the day, as well, with almost an allergic type run-down body reaction when it begins to turn bright pink

I was using my regular thin shawl as a blanket last night and even that was too thick - thinking I need to start work on a lace-like knit made out of a thin thread, it would take forever, or find some sort of sheer fabric (I might have something, might not) and just put an edge on it.  I like to have something over my neck and shoulders, even if it is a whisper, or I don't sleep well.

Got up for two hours in the middle of the night this time and drank a lot of fluids while I studied my French, to prepare for today.  Then I slept for two more hours.    It'll be hot out again today, so I watered the garden a bit last night and more this morning, and gave the chickens fresh water.  Yesterday I was nearly too tired to finish everything when I got home (after six extra hours helping on a route I hadn't planned for, but got it done - I used to do that one years ago, and it's not hard, but it is long) so doing that amount of French in the early hours of today gives me one thing ticked off my list for when I get home tonight.  Off we go.

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