Thursday, June 27, 2024

Czech spelling set

 Mark made me a spelling set to practice Czech words, which I had been wanting him to do for me.  It will need a few more of certain tiles - and I was filling in with my Bananagrams tiles.  The special characters are perfect - and I went through babadum for a while trying to spell the words I saw and note where the special characters were.


Hnedy means brown

Slepice means chicken

Fialovy means purple

Vaha means scales or weight

Darek means gift

Kosile means shirt

It rained hard in the morning, and again in the afternoon.  I did a route in between, and fought some anxiety several times over the course of the day.  It has been hanging around a bit this week, with the stresses and with going out so often for work and other things.  I think *knock on wood* my coping skills are working for it at the moment - it is sort of like a big baseball mitt to sock that bouncing ball of 'worries-and-should-haves' into and carry it like a dampening field so I can get along doing with what I need to get done.  

But there was the other side of the coin as well today - those moments where it feels like if you divided time up into twelfths, the fifth section is missing - but it was redundant anyway, and the tenth section is an interdimensional paradox that isn't the missing one, but 'something else' and if you stare at it too hard, it is even more distracting than the missing bit.  It is like ADHD, but the creative productive part of it with the magical sparkles in it.  I had that feeling a couple of times, as well - and inside that paradox bit is a whole swath of rabbit-holes and math / language / chemistry falling together in structures that at this moment, perhaps, I could actually understand - but I'm doing something else (stuck, 'en train', in process), and that is important and time-restricted, so sorry shove that feeling down in the baseball mitt, too - and get along to finish the task I'm actually working on.  I got on getting on, got finished and got home before the second storm hit. I know that 'impending weather event' sense adds to it all, and understanding what the 'big ball of barbed wire (instead of yarn)' is that I'm dealing with helps in general.


 tulip lilies, held up by my makeshift fence of wire and electric fence posts, they are so heavy most years they end up on the ground and I don't get to enjoy them for as long

I have today off, and we do need to go and get some things I couldn't get at the smaller store.  I acknowledge one urge that tells me I could get so much done - organize, clean, make things better!  All you have to do is start at one end and keep moving to the other!... It's like a bouncing golden retriever, and I know it will chase after any and all tennis balls but never actually stick to one thing.  And the other more wisened urge says 'I thought you were already tired, and things never stay clean - so let's triage but not wear ourselves out...'  I guess that is the cat, putting the paw down on the retriever's head and saying 'Calm down puppy'.   As I said, the baseball mitt is getting a little easier.  I just hope I'm using it right.

I worked on smatterings of Spanish, French, Greek and on the other program I worked on Czech - and continued working on my A1 Russian program.  Some times I do still have to remind myself that being able to switch between all of those is unusual, it's not just something other people do and don't talk about, they actually don't do it.  And yet I know I'm not very high level in any of them either (well maybe French).  I'm just glad to be making progress - even if I don't know really what the target goal in the end is to knowing these languages.  It's something to do with my brain - and I can do it anywhere - and it requires very little tools to work with.. free entertainment, free brain exercise, and possibly useful.  I watched a video about how different languages help people see or think about the world differently - so it is also possible I'm dealing with some of that existential stuff above by organizing and occupying my overactive brain with different languages.  

tiger lilies, multiplied from a single small clearance bulb years ago now

this fell down in the night, and the dogs had come to tell me about it - bee-dancing as they do when they have something they can't tell me in words but they need me to follow them.  So I put on shoes and grabbed a flash light and went out to nose around the branch and make sure there wasn't anything that had been hit by it - there wasn't.  Looked at it again this morning, counted noses of cats and chickens and apparently it was just a big loud thing that got everyone worked up so they had to come tell me immediately about it at the time.  Mark said he thinks it fell from the very top of a 60 foot+ oak so yes, perhaps it was quite a ruckus.

Went into town and got Esme's hair cut again, took a photo with this time of the last short cut they did for her that she liked.  They matched it up pretty well.


I've done Czech, and Russian today - will login to the other program and work on some French later.

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