Friday, June 28, 2024


 So our internet was down when I got back from the short route today - and you would think I would get some things done?  Well, I made rice to put up for making fried rice for dinner... but other than that I played an hour of Stardew Valley (in French) and did language lessons on my phone and took a nap.  I thought maybe I'd read some of my library book (did a little bit the past few days, it is 'Beautiful World, Where are You?' by Sally Rooney) but it was a bit depressing in the interpersonal relationship descriptions and felt like 'rolling in mud and leaves' the other day, stuff sticks, and rolls along, and then stuff falls off and more sticks, and it just keeps rolling without much too much significant, but then maybe it's still building the story.  

When the net came back up I finished the other two language sites (Czech and Russian, I did French on my phone earlier) and we made dinner.  Mark has finished the rest of my 192! tile set for spelling Czech - I was playing with the first 48 and it hadn't been quite enough.  Mark made a pizza for him and Esme - which opened me up to try to make a Black Sesame Seed Chahan recipe with the black sesame seeds I had bought at the natural food store.  I couldn't really tell the difference from regular fried rice - but maybe if I make it again without the seeds and then with it again I can see what the added taste is.  I have a longer, hot route tomorrow - and am needing to make liquid to bring with (Sharkleberry Fin Kool-Aid) in my thermos - and probably head back to bed again.  I have done a little bit more on the blue 'whale shark' weaving, but it still has a long way to go.

They've also announced the application for the September arts program I did for two years, but skipped last year.  I told Mark I am not deciding tonight about it - I'm tired, and I'm not sure 'what I have to say'... I have the new book, but not a lot of copies to bring to a sale table.  We have a nice sale setup now, a canopy and a folding table for the flea market, so it would not be so hard to make a nice setup - but I'm not sure what exactly I have to sell (Mark says I have so much, and then, there is the 3D stuff we have that he has made, as well)... but still, I don't have to decide tonight.  And it's better not to decide when the highest things on my mind are sleep, laundry and getting through tomorrow's 110 degree Fahrenheit heat index.  I work Sunday and also Monday again, as well.

recipe : 

2 eggs fried in olive oil, set aside on a plate

add butter to pan - fry green onions (the white parts), yellow squash (diced) and orange pepper

once that is sizzling and cooked through, add two large heaping tablespoons (probably more equal to four regular) of cooked rice (it had some white sesame seeds in it, but no sugar this time, just put up in the fridge after being made in the mid-morning)

bring back to sizzling, add 1 tablespoon ground black sesame seeds ( I ground 2 tablespoons, but one looked like way too much in the pan), add back the egg and stir it through and some green onion tops (which I keep in sep. bag from the white onion parts in the freezer), add a good big dash of soy sauce 

once that is heated through serve up on a plate

note: the other day I did make some fried rice (yakimeshi, apparently, is a word for this in Japanese) with some sushi rice that had sugar, rice wine vinegar and white sesame seeds in it - I just put an array of vegetables in oil and then added the rice and then the egg and soy sauce at the end, simple .. but with the sugar in it almost made it taste like what I've had in imitation crab cakes ... which I found an interesting comparison. 

the thing I didn't have that was in the recipe was Japanese mayonnaise (which is made with duck eggs?) but they do sell it at one of my stores.  I'm not sure if that would have contained the black sesame seed from staining the rice gray - which it really did.. but since I knew everything that was in the recipe I didn't find that unappealing (although, Mark screamed and said it looked like zombie food - zombie chow!  oh no!) and put a piece of pizza on my plate with it (for protection)

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