Thursday, May 08, 2014

Pink poppy

 I got a surprise this morning.  The chickens were making some odder than usual noises that had been going on for a while - went to the garden and saw this blooming.  It is a perennial Icelandic poppy from the clearance rack last year - and it is really making its showing, now!

For scale.
And then I had to go to work, with small dog crew following me to the truck...
That is the nylon twine garden bag crocheted a few months ago, it has been getting some actual use and hopefully more when the garden starts to produce (a while off, yet)

In other news:  Esme and I have been having quite the discussion about her responsibilities - which are not much, but to her, they are.  Besides doing her homework, washing her hair every night and packing her lunch we also ask her to take a scoop of food out to the chickens, collect eggs, wash them and put them in the refrigerator.  She also gets ten cents an egg, accumulated at the end of the week - for the ones she actually collects.  Three times this week she made Daddy do it for some reason or other... and we had two talks about it, including the losing of privileges that might occur on Mom's days off - like going to the park or a playplace.. which can't be rewarded if she hasn't done her work for the week.  Quite a lot of tears, lots of needing explanation, arguiging, asking questions like 'how will I learn to put happy or sad faces on the calendar if I'm not allowed to put happy or sad faces on the calendar as a kid?' **Facepalm**  Anyway... we may be on track to go out tomorrow, maybe not.. we'll see.. 

She told me she needed more play shirts - she couldn't find any.  Daddy found one for her right there in her drawer.  I do need to go through and look... haven't sewn in a while.  Crocheted a basket out of jute rope the past few days and it looks pretty good -- will maybe get a picture of it tomorrow.  We have a bean fence to get up, chicken coop to clean, and maybe some seedlings to get out if it doesn't want to rain too hard..

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