Friday, June 21, 2013

Zoo trip and bits

Giraffe feeding at the Memphis Zoo

 Mama Giraffe saying 'don't drop the food!'

We bent down and gave a baby giraffe some food under the fence, which the Mama let it have after consideration.

Tyrannosaur art sculpture at the zoo 
Esme never did quite reach his chin - she was too scared.. but it was very cute!

Most of the animals were asleep as it was very hot for them.. and Esme was upset she was not allowed to go swim in the fountains like the local children (the bleach reeked to high heaven probably masking a world of other ills).  She kept asking 'Can we go to the zoo now?'... which was an annoying disconnect because she wanted to go play on park equipment she had seen by the cafeteria and we finally told her to stop asking - the animals were 'the zoo'... she was quite upset all the way through the Teton trek because of the fountain.  She tried to sniff the grizzly through the 'grizzly sniffing slot' and it was not interested.  
Esme trying to sniff the grizzly through the 'sniffling spot'

China exhibit with some beautiful architecture and sculptures

 I loved the China architecture and the statues in there, although the panda bears were asleep.  The red pandas (which I loved from Fargo zoo) were very cat like, following the keeper around and rubbing on his legs.  I was glad Mark got to see them in action.  We fed the giraffes, which Esme loved, and when we got to see the elephants Esme said 'There is a little child over here, look at the child elephants!', to which Mark cracked up.  We got a squishy purple dragon at the gift shop, but had to wait in line forever so we were not interested in going into any of the other shops. 

see all the pictures at Mark's album zoo trip 2013


The polar bear kept coming up to the window and grin growling at the people, backing up and doing it again.. some lady said he was neurotic, but we thought he was just having his own fun with us.

Esme got happier at the polar bear and seal exhibit, the air conditioning helped.  She probably would have watched the seal for another hour if we let her, as it was having fun between this room and the lower windows with all the people watching its 'show' as well.

 seal breaking water in the pool

 Penguins swimming

The penguins were what Esme had originally wanted to see, and they put on a swimming show around their keeper but since it was the last thing of the day we were kind of tired out at that point.  We let Esme go to the playground for about 10 minutes and then started the trip home.

 Esme at the dino

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