Thursday, June 06, 2013

notes as I climb back out of my sinus cold into normal functioning...

The other day on the way to town we were looking at the beautiful sunrise and Esme said she saw a cheetah running fast in the clouds.  It really did look like it - she has the eye, and she communicated it beautifully as well.  She looked at some leftover food on the stove and told me I needed to 'clean this grill' - which was true... she then asked me what that was called - the grill - was that the word?  I told her it was a cooktop (I couldn't think of the word burner) and that grill was a very good word to use.  She called 'coolmath' 'cool mammoth' the other day - which was funny, but she described the game as being the ball with the tongue that sticks and goes whee... which is the iq ball game on coolmath ;)  She saw me looking at some clothing designs on a children's clothing website (to copy), which showed lots of pictures of the same little girl in clothing and asked me where was the 'Esmegirlworld' website - and if we could find it and go there.  She then paid very close attention to the URL and asked me what that spelled.

She keeps telling me 'there's just one more thing..' or 'the one more thing is..' which is different to hear from her.  We walked down to the lake and she looked at all the daisies and told me not to step on the flowers - they were all in blooming, pretty white ones.  I know she must have used the word 'blooming' before, but it was music to my ears.  She asked if the tiny fish that ran away in the water lived there in its home.  I said yes.  She asked why it ran away, and I tried to say it didn't want to be where she squished the mud.  Because she would step on it?  I said no, because the mud is all over where it was now - and it ran away to get away from the mud cloud.  Because it cannot see?, she asked.  Yes, exactly.  I told her the ground was mushy and was squishy.  She asked which one, mushy or squishy or both.  So I described mushy as sinking beneath your feet and squishy as sinking and stuff squirting out as you sink - so it was both.  She then asked me where the part of the shore was where the octopus lived - was it the orange rocks there?  No octopi live in our lake.. I am sure ;)  She was disappointed.

She wanted to sit up on a branch in a tree so badly earlier today but I couldn't find one that didn't have poison ivy on it or sharp bits or too weak etc etc... I told her we would go to the park tomorrow and had a lot of arguing about wanting to go today....She went to bed early (9 pm) on the promise that I didn't have to go to work tomorrow and we can play more, go to town and go to the park.  I made up the pair of pants I had cut out weeks ago at the library, adding a pair of contrasting cuffs to the bottom.  I have to get on the ball and start sewing more bit by bit.. and I have to organize my table - all of our paint stuff has dominated it and I am not sure where else to put it.

I found some of what I believe is this pencilflower growing out on the roadside... it looks so pretty, tiny little orange yellow flowers.  I took a tiny piece of it into our garden and we'll see if it survives.  It is in the bean family ... that fits with me I guess. ;)

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