Monday, July 22, 2024

of triangular cats

 Loki happened to be walking through the kitchen when I was taking other pictures tonight, and I caught one in focus of him.  I had found a spiral 'geometric resonance' shape the other week and tried to capture a picture of it for Mark - and he worked with his 3D printer and made me something similar to it as a drink coaster.  For the record, Loki says he is not a triangular cat - but, look at those whiskers!

Mark said he knew there was a name for that shape - and I jokingly said 'big guitar pick' - which Esme had agreed with was the shape /ha but he went a bit further and found that the outside rounded triangle shape is called a Reuleaux triangle.  It is very artistic - and he created it from mathematical equations, not the picture I had sent him.

Did a longer route today - I was only scheduled for the small one, but they called me after 6 last night and asked me to do it.  I had already strained my wrist picking up too many heavy things one-handed, but was able to baby it enough today that it feels better now than it did last night, even after doing that route (which was long, but luckily not as package heavy as my usual one).  I have the small route tomorrow, again. We made a good dinner, but we'll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow as we are out of so many things.  These long work weekends get tough! 

I worked on Spanish, Japanese and French today - and touched on Hungarian for a few minutes just because it has been forever since I looked at it.  I truly had forgotten so many words in it.

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