Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Japanese food


met up with an old friend to have Japanese food - got this as a fortune cookie 'Education is the movement from darkness to light'.  Some to that.  Somewhere between being able to 'do the things anyway' as my father told me (which I shared with her) and being able to see myself in multiple points in time as if looking at myself from the outside - I have been able to at least get somewhere, publishing a few of my books, studying languages, juggling things in general to get things done, if only incrementally.  This blog is probably one of the things that helps me focus in the big picture - but mostly it is just a holding space for thoughts that run too fast otherwise, and don't really need to be jotted down but I do it anyway to keep them from bouncing in my head.

Now home, and time to decompress.   Social anxiety still does get me, but it usually hits me before and after - in the moment, people say they can't tell (although I can).

 French and Chinese today, touch of Spanish on the phone, we'll see what else later.  I feel good I remembered to get juice on the way out of the restaurant - which is why I parked over by the supermarket *ha* it's these things you do because you've met yourself sort of thing... even though others don't get the why, if it works.. it works.

I had started a crochet toy this morning, and should take that a bit further.  There's laundry.  Esme was sitting with the sick chicken when I got back from town just now, going to try to give her some egg yolk in an eye dropper and see if that helps her any

body and one leg - then I put it up and did other things

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