Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Long day

Blueberry sour cream coffee cake, and olive-oil roasted potato pieces

Both from things in the fridge/pantry that were needing to be used and could be taken for lunch for the next few days. I don't have another day off until Friday. After days like this I feel like I've lived two or three days in my one day off!

Mitzi cat 'helping out' in the kitchen

It has been such a long day, doing so much that I guess it is only fitting that I take a few minutes and do a blog post, too. Early this morning started with putting up black eyed pea supports in our vegetable garden. I tried to wend them up a cornstalk but there was just not one close enough to a large patch, so I had to cut a long stick and put a piece of chicken wire on it to lead them over to the cornstalks.

While I was doing this Esme was bopping about, half amused and half upset at Mama because I was doing things she didn't want to do - she wanted to swing on the swing. Grandpa and Grandma showed up, and we went up to the new herb garden we are making, and laid down straw, lime, and pounded in t-posts for the corners of the garden fence. Esme and Grandma and I went to town while Grandpa helped Daddy with the tractor at the lake. We picked up flower bulbs, more lime and some extra plumbing bits. Back at the herb garden I set up the plumbing from the hydrant to the garden spaces and Grandma helped as a third hand to help put the glue into all of the pieces. The plumbing was a success, except the uphill leg of the hydrant really only works at usable pressure when the bottom leg of the hydrant is shut off.

Coming home Esme and I got some lunch and then she stayed inside with Daddy while I did even more work supporting plants in the veggie garden and pulling weeds. As the sun was going down, I came inside and prepared the harvest from the last few days drying basil, shelling peas and snapping beans and separating them into containers. One of the containers from the other day's harvest went into a pan and made a lovely stew which will go to work with me. I gave Esme a bath and Mark pointed out that there were still some blueberries from my last baking experiment in the fridge. They were still good, so I made this coffee cake with them. It was a decent attempt, but I need a deeper bundt pan and also wish I could find a recipe less crumbly.

Now my hands and arms and feet and legs are sore. Everything is cleaned up in the kitchen except the dishes, and the laundry needs to go in the dryer. After that... I can go to bed. Work at eleven, tomorrow.

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