Sunday, May 11, 2008

Late Caturday : Hobbes

Happy Mother's Day!
Remember to enter the 'Night Was' contest until May 15th (click above)

Hobbes looks a lot like his mommy Pogo

He has a very dark nose.

And is very 'brave' and playful. Mark named him after the tiger in Calvin and Hobbes.

In Other News: I've been working out in the main store for about three days and so far I really like it. I'm trying to learn where everything is and getting lots of specific questions to hunt down the answers for. Being away from home is still very different. Mark is doing a wonderful job with Esme and the Ebay store. He even went out and did some planting and weeding in the garden with Esme along in her seat yesterday ;)

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou

Very funny! I got 218 clicks in 30 seconds. And yes, I was halfway through a cup of coffee at the time. I am a Caffeinated Mind (TM). That was going to be the name of the coffee shop a friend and I tried to start out of high school. Sadly, it never got further than the business plan stage because I caved to my mom's 'You can't move into your own apartment, it's too dangerous!'


Jennifer said...

Oh, he's a handsome fellow!

Happy Mother's Day!

mrspao said...

Hobbes is so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Hobbes is a cute, cute kity.

That's a great name for a coffee shop! Roads not taken.