Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Esme at six months

Esme was six months old on Sunday. Wow time really has gone by quickly! She is trying hard to sit up by herself now, and can 'tripod' sitting up for a while by grabbing one foot and leaning on her other arm. Here she is having some fun on the floor with her big blanket and a cloth book I made her.

If I read a story to her out of a paper book she wants to 'shake' the pages and hear them go 'crinkle.' I am making a few of these so we can pretend to read a story and she can touch and play with the book pages all she wants. I am scheduled for training at my new job every day this week!

Lynn: Thanks for your comment. Esme does kind of look me NOW, but as a baby I was a pale albino with white hair and light blue eyes. Esme kind of looks now like I did by the time I reached 1 year... which makes me wonder what color eyes and hair she'll have when she is a year old! She has some of my facial features in the mouth and cheeks especially - but those ears and eyelashes are definitely from Mark. We're still waiting to see which way the nose goes ;)


Rhiannon said...

She is so beautiful. It is amazing that 6 months have already gone by. I love her expression in the first picture!!

Such a fun time, I'm looking forward to it, but dreading it at the same time. I want Lowan to stay how he is but also to grow up. This is probably every mother's dilemma.

Jennifer said...

She is so darn cute!

RheLynn said...

Rhiannon: Some day I might be nostalgic for this stage of Esme's life - but at the moment it is happening I just am delighted by all the new developments. She is learning so many new things and seeing HER delight in 'I got it!' or 'I did it!' (and often followed by confusion 'I did it? *wow look followed by giggle*) is even more amazing.

mrspao said...

She is growing into a beautiful little girl :)