Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Lamb family recipe book

A few weeks ago I took down all the paper printouts that were scattered all over the fridge and rewrote them into this tablet.  We couldn't decide on what to put on the cover, so it got a little bit of everything going back and forth between Mark and I.  What's actually in here are all the recipes we've made that were good enough to keep and want to make again.  Some of them are 'family secret' type recipes, like Mark's ginger muffins and the Dragon Pork spice ratios.  My egg noodle and pancake recipes are in here, too (see the pancakes tab for easy access?)

I made the 'yellow cake' recipe out of this (also seen on one of Esme's birthdays) and layered the batter over mandarin oranges and pineapple pieces to make a cake dessert for tomorrow at work. We all just had a piece of one of the two cakes I made and it turned out good!

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