Wednesday, May 08, 2013

bits of calligraphy and cotton seeds

This is a handwritten envelope with an invitation to the preschool graduation.  Very beautiful work by someone who seemed to enjoy our choice of such a long name!  I have the night off already so we should all be able to attend.  I described what graduation was to her, a time for teachers to say goodbye to all the kids going to the big school -- so she is accepting of still going to the little school until then...the 30 days+ until her 'big school' though... that will be difficult!

The cotton seeds are starting to come up in our pots indoors.  I'm preparing to work the area for the glass gem corn and a few other things.  The Indian corn (striped red pericarp/blue aleurone mixed with Mandan bride) is coming up in the back of the garden. If I had known I would get the glass gem so soon, I might have waited...  The glass gem is a popcorn, and I'm not sure how much separation I should make or if my little garden is even capable of enough separation to keep the popcorn genes out of my Indian Corn (much less the sweet corn, which we are growing only for eating purpose). 

My provider beans are coming up well - but the wax beans and the Good Mother Stallard are still dormant.  I am hoping for more stable weather soon!

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