Monday, November 26, 2007

My niece Elizabeth

My sister-in-law's water broke this morning. They took her to the hospital in Duluth, MN to be under observation, hoping they can keep the baby inside her for a little longer. My mom did say when Elizabeth is born they will have her in an incubator, so I guess my sister-in-law is less than 36 weeks? My mom couldn't remember what their due-date was, just 'December.'

My brother is taking off several days from work and going to stay with her in the hospital, while my mom keeps their two boys at her house. I'll call my mom again tomorrow and see if she has any updates.


Anonymous said...

Hope everything goes well for your SIL.

Anonymous said...

I hope they're both okay! It'll be fun for Esme to have a cousin practically her same age.

Chris said...

Hoping all is well with your SIL and Elizabeth.

Jennifer said...

Oh no... My thoughts are with them.

Lynn said...

I will put out the grow healthy lungs and strong heart vibes for her.

mrspao said...

Hope it all goes ok for them - my thoughts are with you all.