See the little 'keep them counting' lamb clothes?
Mark's parents gave us a lot of baby clothes, a diaper bag, baby care kit and a sling today. It was really generous of them - thank you! I might have been a little overwhelmed, because I've been putting off getting a lot of things for the baby because it's still two and a half months away... but yes, now it's time to start 'nesting' even more.
Here is my list, so far - anything I've forgotten?
x - already have
o - ready to order
p - in progress/have some
_x_ Stroller
_x_ Baby bathtub
_x_ bath kit (baby shampoo etc.)
_x_ nail kit, brush, nasal bulb etc.
_x_ hooded towels (will be making some soon)
_x_ extra towels and washcloths
_x_ extra-gentle laundry soap
_x_ Crib and bedding (bassinet)
_x_ crib quilt (handmade) (1)
_x_ bassinet bumpers (handmade)
_x_ baby blankets (receiving etc.) 8 and counting
_x_ baby carrying sling
_x_ Diaper bag
_x_ Pump for storing milk, etc.
_x_ bottles for storing milk (Mom said she's sending some, will wait and see)
_x_ extra for formula (backup)
_x_ nursing pillow (not the snap-on type)
_x_ burp cloths
_x_ bibs
___ changing table (maybe with clothes storage) (we're going to wait and see on this)
___ changing pads for table (depends on type)
_x_ safety pins (just in case)
___ Kleenex
_x_ diaper pail and other trashcan for changing table
_x_ homemade changing pads for travel (3), +1 Etsied
_x_ baby wipes
___ diapers
_x_ diaper caddy for carrying a few diapers
_p_ changing powders/cream etc.
_x_ car seat with carrier
--- baby monitor (we decided we don't need one)
_x_ pacifiers (a few)
_x_ sleepers (8 3-6 mo) (1 'small') (package 0-3 mo, package 3-6 mo.)
_x_ 2 newborn 'sleep sack'
_x_ onesies (3 0-3 mo.) (12 3-6mo) (9 6-9 mo.)
_x_ kimonos (11 newborn)
_x_ tshirts (4 0-3 mo.) (2 3-6 mo) (1 6-9 mo.)
_x_ overjackets (2 3-6 mo) + sweater in progress
_x_ dresses (1 3-6 mo) (1 6-9 mo.)
_x_ 'sweatsuits' (1 0-3 mo. 1 3-6 mo.)
_x_ pants (5 3-6mo) (1 6-9 mo)
_x_ socks
_x_ bootees (2 pair)
_x_ mittens
_x_ hats (9 + 5 handmade)
_x_ 'crib shoes' (2 pair)
u - ready to be grabbed on way out
Hospital Bag:
_x_ 1 set of 'newborn' clothing
_x_ 1 set of 3-6 mo. clothing
_x_ mittens
_x_ hat
_x_ socks for baby
_x_ several receiving blankets
_x_ sleep sack for warm outer clothing [winter]
_x_ blanket to cover carseat outside [winter]
_x_ socks for me
_u_ lotion
_x_ toothbrush, toothpaste
_u_ chapstick
_x_ focus object (bunny tiles)
_x_ Kleenex
_x_ nursing pads and et al.
_x_ extra clothing for me
_x_ bathrobe
_u_ hairbrush and ties
_x_ journal and pen
_x_ baby wipes and 'travel kit' (+diaper samples from 'expecting' clinic kit)
_x_ olive oil soap (all they have there is Dial)
downloadable instructional videos on how to best get your baby to 'latch on' for breastfeeding
positions for breastfeeding
Sorry, I'm no help there! the only baby I've had was Sheba.
Not much more help than Carrie! :) My brother & SIL never bought a bathtub - they bought a foam insert and just used the kitchen sink. And they used a dresser for a changing table, then switched to the floor when she got too active. Do you have a boppie? It's like a big letter C - fabulous for supporting the baby while sitting.
Chris's suggestion of a boppy is spot on. It's fantastic and can be used during breast feeding and beyond.
You probably won't need baby powder. My pediatrician did not recommend using it at all but yours might be different.
I just read your post on cravings, doesn't sound bad to me. I only craved Hot, hot chili with crackers, and a glass of buttermilk to wash it down with. Try eating cream cheese with black olives(or green) on black rye bread-it's quite tasty. I still eat this stuff. Before I had kids though I wouldn't touch it. I know nothing about breast feeding-it was quite painfull for me so I didn't do it. But my kids were healthy enough without it.
Sounds like you're very organised :)
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