She is growing up to be such a big girl! She is amazing us constantly with how much she can do and figure out.
She can put several of her sorting shapes in the box, 'reads' her board books and tries to copy many things we do. She knows her socks and shoes go on her feet, but can't get them on yet by herself. She comes up behind us with her brush and tries to brush our hair.
Today we went to the library and she played with several large peg puzzles. We ordered her one from Amazon :) Grandpa and Grandma came down to say hi before we went to vote. They gave her a pretty little baby doll for a birthday gift and said to come up and see them later in the week.
I've been working a lot of hours at work, 5 days on and 3 days off for the past few weeks. It hasn't left me a lot of time for other things - because when I get home I want to spend time with Mark and Esme. There have also been several toy orders for Christmas so I'm trying to get those done as well!
Happy Birthday!! Yea - for all three of you. So much fun.
Happy Birthday, Esme! I've enjoyed seeing pictures of you grow this past year... Hope you had a lovely election day birthday.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Esme!!!
Uh oh! I missed Esme's birthday! Happy Belated Birthday, Esme. Hope you had fun! (Because somehow, I doubt you'll remember it. ;)
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